Monday, March 20

Neringa Stories

So these are some stories from neringa that i have recently posted on people's facebook accounts, but i'll post them here for people don't have facebook.

From Tomas

So one time when tomas and i were at camp, we went wandering in the woods as boys are prone to do. Anyway, we got completely lost. Then we stumble upon this family of bears. We didn't what to do at first, if we should play dead or what, but we had been lost for quite some time, and ultimately we hoped the bears knew where we were better than we did. So we tried to befreind the bears by giving them the small amount of food we had lef twith us. and then we asked them nicely if they knew which way was the way back to neringa. The bears looked at us dumbley, aparently not understanding our request, but on the other hand, they didn;t eat us, which was a plus. eventually one of the bears started walking, and we followed it, because what the hell, we didn't know what else to do go do. the bear led us all the way to the wishing stone and although in general nobody knows where the wishing stone is, we made a wish on the wishing stone that somebody would find us, and they totally did. so we made it back to camp totally alive, and that's the end of that story, but that was just from our first year at camp, there are totally like a hundrend more stories, mostly even better than that. for details you should ask tomas.

Tomas strikes again

so this other time, tomas and i were wandering around campl, not lost at all like the other time, and we stumbled upon this hole in the ground. Tomas' first instinct was just to leave well enough alone, and not investigate the hole, but i was like, screw that, there's a big hole, let's find out what the hell is going on. Of course i didn't say that, because i was too young to know those words at the time, but anyway, tomas and i ventured down the hole, and we brought vytenis along for good measure. So there we were down this big hole when all the sudden we were attacked by giant spiders. We diddn't really know what to do. This wasn't like the lord of the rings where frodo had that light to protect him, we didn't have any idea what to do. tomas and i ran back up out the hole, and left vytenis down there to die. How did he eventually escape, unfortunately i don't know the full details myself, you'll have to ask him. but the moral of the story is, if you are in trouble, leave your friends to die, and they'll figure out a way out on their own.

From Gaja

Remember that time we got super drunk and tried to walk home from neringa. We hitched a ride from this midget, but because he was so small he could barely see the road. He almost got into like 10 accidents before we asked him to let us out cause we figured we'd be better off trying to walk. But then someone tried to mug us, luckily i had some iced tea powder left over so i threw it in his face and you punched him and then we started to run away, but we were too drunk to get anywhere, so the guy caught up to us. It could have been bad but then some vigilante came up and shot the mugger in the face. At first he seemed like he was going to help us, but then he found out that we were drinking illegally and then he got really pissed at us. Once again it seemed like we might be in trouble, but while he was looking away i kicked him in the back, and then you kicked him in the nads, and we managed to hitch another ride before he recovered. Anyway, i was just wondering if you remember, cause i don't but i'm pretty sure it happened.

From Aistis

Ok, so 1 time aistis and i were at camp right, and we were out in the woods, but then we heard the bell that signaled it was ice cream time, so we were like oh man, we better get back fast. So, as we are rushing back to get ice cream on time, we bump into some guy, which is totally weird to start with, cause we're like up in the secluded mountains of vermont, and there's no reason for anybody else to be up in those woods. But that wasn't the end, then this guy started talking to us about how we shouldn't rush off to eat ice cream. He was explaining that we are too attached to this world, and the temporary joy that material goods in this world bring. He tried to convince us that this attachment would ultimately lead us to feel like we were living empty hollow lives, and in the end force us to be reborn, and relive the same empty hollow lives again. But we were only like 7 years old, so we were like forget you crazy man, we're going to go get some ice cream, and we ran off, and made it in time to get ice cream.

We now return to the return of the Tomas returns

So one time, Tomas and i were swimming in the prudas (pond) cause we were like 8 years old, and back then it was totally cool to go in the prudas. Unlike when you get older than everyone thinks it's lame and smelly. Anyway we were swimming in the prudas when we see this huge whale surface. So we're thinking oh my god, how the hell could a whale get in the prudas, the entire prudas is barely big enough to contain a whale, but because we had snuck off to go to the prudas by ourselves there was nobody else there. So we are basically lifted on the whales back by force, because it consumes the entire prudas in which we were swimming, and then the whale started talking to us. We were totally weirded out, but at the same time, we were only like 8 so it wasn't that crazy in our minds for a whale to start talking to us. The whale told us that in fact it wasn't any ordinary whale (which was pretty obvious at that point) but actually a wizard trapped in a whales body, and he told us that if we helped free him, he would grant us each 1 wish. so we were like totally man, what do we have to do? It ended up being not too hard, we had to carry water from the prudas to a bucket, using a small spoon. It seemed pointless and tedious, but what did we know about wizards spells. Anyway, we freed the whale wizard. Tomas asked that people would stop making fun of canada, but unfortunately this proved beyond the capabilities of even the whale wizard, and to this day people still make fun of canada. As for me, i think it's pretty obvious what i wished for. Because of all my great experiences at neringa, there is one that stands out as the least logical, and least probable. The one that doesn't make sense unless there were some mystical force at work... And that of course is that time when we had grilled cheese 2 days in a row. Man, that was sweet.

And finally Vaida

So one time, vaida and i were at camp, and i was sitting on one of the big rocks shaped like a frog, and she was sitting on the big rock right next to it shaped like a cat. We were just sitting, whiling away the afternoon hours, when all the sudden the rocks came to life, and the giant live rock cat she was on started chasing the giant rock frog i was on. we were yelling at each other trying to figure out what to do, but they were moving too fast for us to jump off, so we just kept riding. The cat was moving faster than the frog and kept swiping at the frog's back, so i had to be wary to make sure i didn't get hit. Eventually the frog realized he wasn't going to be able to out run the cat, even though vaida was doing all she could to try to slow the cat down and end the chase. The frog ran to the prudas and up to the zip cord, hoping the cat wouldn't follow across the water but the giant rock frog was so heavy, he couldn't hold his own weight, and fell plunging both of us into the prudas. anyway, the cat didn't follow, and sulked back slowly, possibly the try to attack the giant mouse rock, allowing vaida to climb off easily. Meanwhile i was able to swim to shore, and we both walked back safely although a little shaken. Then next day we tried to talk to people about it, they just told us that we had been acting crazy all day, and they hadn't seen the rocks come to life. Someone told me he put something in our drinks at lunch as a joke, and that made us hallucinate about the rocks coming alive, but i'm pretty sure he was lying, and if we were acting crazy, it was after we saw the rocks come alive, cause we were both a little freaked out. Plus i went to look and there were totally scratch marks on the back of the frog that could have only come from a giant stone cat. If you don't believe me, you can ask vaida, or go look at the frogs back yourself, it's totally true.

So if any of you were wondering, the answer is no, i didn't make any of these stories up. They completely true, now i bet some of you though i was going to follow through with that lenard nemoy quote from the simpsons, but i'm not, cause these stories actually are true, they are firmly etched in my brain. If anyone else does remember them, that just means you guys drink too much... or too little, i forget how it works.

If i killed someone, would you think worse of me?

So i had another dream about neringa. This time, i accidentally killed a stovyklautojas by hitting him in the back of the head and breaking his neck. Everyone agreed it was an accident, and nobody blamed me, but it totally sucked. I was thinking i should just leave, but everyone else was trying to convince me to stay. Plus for some reason i thought one of the stovyklautojiai in my nameliai had died in a previous year. Maybe all these funkalicious dreams about neringa are a sign that i shouldn't go this summer...

or maybe just a sign that i should drink less...

or maybe just a sign that i should drink more.

Also do other people have these kinds of funkalicious dreams all the time? i didn't ever used to remember any of my dreams, or at least remembered them rarely, so it seems weird to me now, but maybe you guys have dreams like this every night? i know aras has crazy dreams often.

You doctors have been telling us to drink 8 cups of gravy a day

So i've been eating a lot of gravy recently. It's quite delicious just to put on white bread, pop in the microwave, and eat. But recently i figured, you know what's delicious bread and gravy, and you know what else is delicious bread and cheese, so you know what might be super delicious bread with gravy and cheese. I was unfortunately mistaken. The virdict is still out a little, because this batch of gravy, which liepa made, has been dissapointing in general. althuogh the cheese and gravy wasn't bad, it wasn't worth the extra effort of putting on cheese.

Also tried to make a pizza grilled cheese, by putting tomato sauce, mozzerella and pepperoni into a grilled cheese. The main problem was that it didn't get as hot in the center as would have been ideal, and as noted earlier in this blog, the pepperoni in Lietuva is only good hot. Plus i had thought i would make it early in the day with like 4 other grilled cheeses, but go full of bread and cheese and so didn't cook it until 5 or 6 hours later, and having failed to cover the sandwich, the bread got a little harder than you would hope for.

Not exactly an experiment but today liepa and i made a huge batch of spirguciai, and so now i will experiment by putting them on various foods, until the spriguciai run out in a week. The prime suspect is koldunai, but i already know that those are a hundred times better with spirguciai, so it will be interesting to try the spirguciai in other food, like cereal. Actually my mom told me people sometimes put spirguciai in cream of wheat, so maybe i'll try that.

Sex change?

So for a couple of weeks of been meaning to post about various things, but always keep forgetting, and not getting around to it. So tonight i'll see how many of said things i can remember and successful post about. First off:

So for 20 years i knew only 1 person with a name that started Aist and that was a male named aistis. but in the past year i've met 2 females named aiste, one at studentu camp, and one here in lithuania. Also there is graffiti all around vilnius that says wru aiste.

This leads to the inevitable question of which name is more common, aistis or aiste. Any ideas on the matter? Anyone else know anyone else named aiste or aistis?

Also while on the subject of names, saturday night i met a girl named gitana at a club, and when i remarked that we both had very unusual names she said that she knew other people named gitana. does anyone else know anyone named gitana? i guess it's not that strange, just gita with a na at the end, but i certainly don't know anyone else named gitana.

Sunday, March 12

Can't sleep, clown'll eat me. Can't sleep clown'll eat me.

So i recently had my first nightmare, or at least the first one i can remember waking up and then man that dream sucked. It was kovo 11, independance day. I woke up much earlier than i wanted to and after a couple of hours of internetting went back to sleep. I don't remember exactly how the dream went, but something along these lines: i was having a dream that i was lying down, and i couldn't move at all, then i heard something going on downstairs and i woke up, being relieved that it was just a dream, but i was still really tired so i figured i would just go back to bed. Then i had another dream that i was somehow trapped someplace with some tractors driving around me, and i was having trouble moving around becasue everytime i tried to go someplace another tractor came up, and almost ran me over. It was getting worse and worse with tractors coming closer and closer to hitting me. Then i woke up again, and figured screw this i don't need to go to sleep any more i'll just get up. So i went down stairs and met up with liepa, and a friend she had just made that day. Then we go to visit this other girls family, she has a lot of relatives, including for some reason some black relatives who do not speak english or lithuanian. but then as i'm walking someplace a trip and fall and all the sudden a i can't move anymore. Not only can i not move but something heavy and unpleasant is pushing down on me. Eventually i convince myself that it is not really happening but just my imagination and i am able to get up, and start telling them how terrible it was, but as i was talking a bunch of tractors start driving up to us. So once again i try to convince my self that they are not real, but at this point i'm quite sure that i have gone crazy. It keeps getting worse and worse, with periods of sanity much shorter, and periods of insanity increasingly longer and disturbing.

That's when i woke up for real. it reminds me of the futurama where leela gets stung by the space bee and thinks she's going crazy. Also when i woke up i couldn't feel my arm because i was sleeping on it funny, so that might be why i had that crazy dream. anyway, it was totally disturbing and not fun at all.

I don't know the scientific explanation, but fire made it good.

So in my recent trip to klaipeda Aras showed us the "pepperoni" he buys in klaipeda, but which we have been unable to find in vilnius. having just had pepperoni from the states that a friend brought i was immediately dissapointed upon seeing the pepperoni that aras had talked so highly of. I was even more dissapointed when i tried some of it cold before eating it on the pizza. It wasn't bad, but it tasted just like normal smoked sausage with a little bit of a spicy after taste, not like pepperoni. When we eventually ate the pizza though, it was totally awesome. So now i wasn't sure what to think, maybe it's just good on pizza, or maybe it's just good when you're drinking, which we were. Since getting home i've made several hot sandwiches with it, and they are just as good. So for some reason it just tastes infinitely better when it is hot. Now i just need to find out if it's available in Vilnius.