This is the end, my only friend, the end
So tomorrow is my last exam, and then i am officially done with my year abroad. I will still be in LT for 2 more weeks at least, and given my current inability to find any employment in the states, possibly much longer. If nothing at all shows up in the states, i might end up working for Aidas at delta, or something such thing. Given my current lack of resources working for 1/20 of a pittance in LT is not my first choice for the summer, but at least then i get to spend the summer here after suffering through that crummy winter. June first and still walking around with a coat during the day, oh not wait, someone stole my coat so i don't have one anymore. Walking around with a wife beater, t-shirt, long sleave shirt, and hoodie, and still a little cold in the middle of the day.