Monday, April 10

Question of the day

So everyone knows that drinking water before going to bed helps prevent a hangover, except in Lithuania where not only do people not do it regularly, but refuse to try it when i suggest it. Now, my understanding is that drinking water prevents you from getting dehydrated, which is the cause of hangovers, and so my question is this. If you drink like 2 and half liters of water, but then stay up for another 2 hours because you can't sleep, and piss 5 times during those 2 and a half hours, then does drinking the water still help, or does it just increase the number of times you have to piss. I'm asking because a friend of mine...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, water does help to rehydrate you after you've drunk too much. But it also helps to flush the alcohol out of your system more quickly and helps to countereffect the effects of alchohol. Even better than drinking water before you go to bed is drinking water while drinking alcohol. Adding lemon to the water will even reduce nausea. Since lemons also contain vitamin C, they help to stimulate the liver to break down the alchohol. However, since just squeezing a lemon into water isn't gonna provide you with much of Vitamin C, then taking Vitamin C supplements may help more.

9:56 PM  
Blogger V Krukonis said...

Hmmm... only a doctor would know that secret. Not so anonymous now, are you?

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a doctor Vyteni!

5:35 PM  
Blogger Trashcan said...

Good one V, you should him. Now all we have to do is take the list of people who read this blog, let's see can't be more than 5 people, and figure out how many of them are doctors, and then figure out which of them is the most likely candidate

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me repeat myself, i am by no means a doctor, i may live with two of them and plan to go to med school after i get a degree in biochemistry and finish the pre-med program, but i am by no means a doctor. Also, let me point out that you don't have to be a doctor to know that stuff. Unlike me, if you didn't already know that, you could just find this stuff on the internet.

So you wanna take a guess at who i am?
Good Luck :)

7:27 PM  
Blogger V Krukonis said...

Hmmm I know it's not Sarunas, cuz he's in Europe and they don't have electricity yet. Anyway, what the hell is the 'internet'?

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Vyteni, you are so funny. But here, let me narrow the field down a little for you. I'll give you a hint: Wrong gender!!

12:59 PM  
Blogger V Krukonis said...

Wrong! Sarunas is back in Sweden! And It would be impossible to guess who you are since this blog get half a million hits a day.......


2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to my knowledge, it does. Look it up if you don't belive me. And i am only anonymous cause i don't feel like wasting my time to set up an account.

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

erm, anonymous you don't have to set up an account to create a tiny identity, just choose "other"

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

k, thanx, i might just do that some time if i feel like it....for now i am quite content the way i am.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Trashcan said...

So you wish to remain anonymous for some other reason? were you burned by acid or something? quick, does anyone know somebody who was burned by acid?!?

also, you're a woman? i didn't know women read this blog(other than you rachel). does this mean i have to start wearing pants when i post, or how does that work?

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah, no acid burns. No defects, i'm perfect. lol. i'm just to lazy to type my name. And yes i'm a woman. And no, you can post your blogs however you want to. Whether that be with your pants or without.

12:19 AM  
Blogger Trashcan said...

the burned by acid was a reference to the princess bride, when andre the giant asks the man in black why he wears a mask. anyone who has not seen the princess bride should see it immediately, without a doubt one of the 10 best movies/books/stories ever told. the book is also good, but i think this is one of the few cases when the movie is actually better.

as far as the posting wi5hou5 pants, that was obviously a joke, at the most i would claimt to wear pants, but still write pantsless, like now.

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In retrospect, i guess i should have immediately realized the movie reference. unfortunately, i haven't seen the movie in quite some time.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Aras said...

anonymous, you are incorrect about the water thing. it rehydrates you, but it does that at a negligible rate if you piss it out right away; you have to be sleeping. and (tha't right rachel) nothing flushes alcohol out of your system faster, you should know that if you've taken driver's ed.: nothing helps but time, not coffee, not a shower, not water. puking helps you stop getting drunker. any remedy is hair of the dog. and just because you can "look it up" doesn't mean it's true: don't believe everthing you read, especially on the internet for christ's sakes. if something sounds made up it usually is.

loky, if you stop drinking during those 2 hours then it helps, but if you don't it doesn't. and i got the movie reference at once.

i have all this from experience and on the authority of the greatest booze hound and party animal i know, although i do know another major booze hounds who subscribes to your theory, anonymous. the only discernable thing the water does is make him bloated.

5:29 AM  

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