Saturday, October 27

What's the over/under for participatns at studentu?

I've been think about gambling a lot recently. I've never taken to betting on sports, and i've realized recently what a waste that is. Specifically in reference to the patriots. coming into the year, i was confident that randy moss would make the patriots significantly better, and as a result they have covered the spread every week so far this year. if anyone had the brains/confidence to bet on them and let their bet ride, that's a lot of money. you would double up 7 straight times. That comes out to 128 times your original bet. Now you don't actually get a full double, cause you have to pay the sports book, but it's simpler to just round to double. So if that first bet was so a reasonably small $200 bucks, now that would be worth $25,000. I don't know if you can also cross bet on other things say the patriots cover the spread, they are also over, and or betting on individual players, like that tome brady will throw at least 3 touchdown passes. If you could that would increase the percentages significantly. If could say get 5 to 1 on odds on the patriots cover the spread, the over, and brady throwing 3 touchdown passes, then after 7 weeks instead of $25,000 that 200 is worth ove 15,000,000. Man, does anyone have a time machine, cause that would be awesome.


Blogger Aras said...

one of my students wrote in a paper last week, if you want to travel back in time you don't need a time machine, just buy a ticket to kaliningrad!

7:23 AM  

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