Wednesday, October 15

God i wish the libertarians could win an election

So the tampa bay rays players have all cut their hair in mohawks to celebrate getting into the playoffs, and/or to show solidarity heading into the playoffs. As is only natural one of their young fans followed suit. the 12 year old who cut his hair in what is being called a "rayhawk" showed up to school ready to show off his pride in the local sports team only to be told that his hair cut was inappropriate and he was suspended. The school maintained the suspension would be indefinite until the child cut off the rest of his hair, which he refused to do. I think everyone already knows who i'm siding with in this situation. What in the name of jebus gives this school system the right to determine what hair cut is, and isn't appropriate for school. In any case without giving myself a stroke, while i choke on my outrage, the story ends up well. The kid was already planning on transferring to a different school. Once his situation became news the new school contacted him to let him know that they had no problem with his haircut, so he just transferred early. Plus as a nice added bonus before one of the games against the redsox, one the rays players invited the kid and his parents to the stadium early to hang out say hi to some of the players, etc. So i guess all's well that ends well.

I don't have a problem with uniforms/dress codes automatically. if a private school wants to impose such restrictions, that's their business. But it is literally illegal for a child to not to go school, and his parents can be arrested and put in prison for not attending school. So now the system wants to say the kid can't have this hair cut? Now they are essentially saying this hair cut is illegal. You cannot have this hair cut and live in the united states, or at least that school district. Who could possibly think that is a good idea. I would like to see by a show of hands how many people in the united states actually think it is a good idea to make mohawks against the law. I'm going to assume the answer is practically nobody, and yet this was allowed to happen, and i'm sure the principle or superintendent or board of education will never be taken to task for their outrageous behavior.


Blogger Aras said...

actually, that's not the way it works. i wouldn't be surprised if a majority of people wanted to ban mohawks, skinheadedness, tattoos, face piercings, and rap musing (i'm sure our father would, and so would i). but that doesn't matter. banning such things is unconstitutional; individual freedoms are assured to all Americans as long as they don't hurt anybody: it's not a matter of public desire, it's a matter of law.

3:13 AM  
Blogger Trashcan said...

In fact if enough people wanted to they could make anything legal or illegal. The constitution can be ammend to say anything with a large enough majority. If enough people got behind it slavery could be reestablished, the vote could be taken away from men, freedom of religion could be taken away. The point is that generally even if someone would prefer people didn't have a certain type of haircut they are still against making it illegal, which is entirely within their right. I believe it takes either 3/4 of state legislatures, to ratify a proposal before it becomes law, which means you only need 51% from 75% of the states to alter the constitution. If you took the smallest states, leaving out california/newyork/florida etc. You could easily amend the constitution with the support of 25% of people.

1:21 AM  

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